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Waddington and West Bradford C.E. Primary School

In our Christian family, we Encourage, Serve and Respect everyone and shine in the light of Jesus.

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Waddington and West Bradford C.E. Primary School

In our Christian family, we Encourage, Serve and Respect everyone and shine in the light of Jesus.





We spent an afternoon cooking a variety of foods for us all to try using the proceeds of our class tuck shop to buy the ingredients. One group made homemade flatbreads which they then topped with passata and grated mozzarella to make pizza. One group made a vegetable stir fry. One group made potato salad and the other group made coleslaw. We then served up a portion of each to every child. 

Most of us enjoyed trying new foods (although a few weren’t fans of coleslaw!) and we all loved our afternoon of cooking and eating 🙂 The recipes can be found below the photos.


Special thanks to Jane who gave up her afternoon to help!



We decided to postpone celebrating World Book Day until all our school community was back together after lockdown, so we held our own WWB bedtime story day on 18th March.  We all dressed in our pyjamas, and brought in our teddies and our favourite books.

We had lots of fun talking and writing about our books (and teddies)!


On December 11th, Mr Hames-Clarke came into class four to talk to us about the Jewish festival of Hannukah.  We learnt about how the Macabees defeated the soldiers of the Greek army and how the oil in the lamp at the temple kept burning for eight days.

He told us about the menorah and we helped him to light the candles on it.



On Thursday 3rd December, Prags Birk visited school to teach us about Hinduism.  We dressed up, danced, made rangoli patterns, ate samosas and learnt about her life and life in India.


