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Waddington and West Bradford C.E. Primary School

In our Christian family, we Encourage, Serve and Respect everyone and shine in the light of Jesus.

School Logo

Waddington and West Bradford C.E. Primary School

In our Christian family, we Encourage, Serve and Respect everyone and shine in the light of Jesus.


Children's Mental Health Week February 2023

As part of Children's Mental Health Week we have:


-made new connections with our classmates via a game of bingo finding out new things about them

-connected with nature - spent time relaxing outside counting and identifying birds; taking part in the RSPB's Big School's Birdwatch

-had an introduction to Yoga with an instructor called Matt

-had a fun rainbow morning, off timetable, taking part in various problem solving activities with our rainbow team-mates

-had extra playtimes

